Author Archives: Hunter

Learn About Herpes Simplex – You May Get It

It is important for all of us to learn bout Herpes Simplex. Anyone who is sexually active can get it on the genital skin with disastrous consequences. Your partner may pass it on without knowing and you may develop the active severe disease after many years, wondering from whom did you get it. Please find out more. Before we proceed further, let me tell you that the herpes simplex virus never goes away forever. It gets activated and shows active herpes on your skin. After you treat […]

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How Long Do Cold Sores Last? Who Knows

How long do cold sores last? Well, it has been my experience that cold sores last approximately two weeks depending on their size and severity. If you are like me and are one of approximately 60 million Americans who are prone to developing cold sores then you already know how long they last and how bad they can get. Cold sores, or fever blisters, are caused by the herpes simplex virus and present themselves as small clusters of blisters on your lip or the skin around your […]

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Cold Sores Remedies

If you get cold sores, there are remedies available over the counter to help relieve the pain. The best thing you can do for yourself if you get cold sores frequently is to keep them moist with an ointment you can get at any pharmacy location. Do not try to use any kind of waxy stick to keep them moist. You will just do more harm than good because the hard wax will catch and pull on your lips and rip open the cold sores. Cold sores […]

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Herpes Simplex Some Quick Facts

Herpes Simplex- What is it? Herpes Simplex is an infection caused by the virus called Herpes Simplex Virus. The virus is of two types. HSV1 and HSV2. Herpes Simplex causes sores, and rashes on face and genitals. The virus type 1 causes sores on the mouth, which are called cold sores. The second virus type causes genital herpes. Herpes Simplex- is it treatable? Once you get herpes virus, it never leaves your body. The only thing you can do is to get it treated whenever it shows […]

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Tips for Healing Cold Sores

That tingling you feel just above your upper lip is unmistakable. You know that it’s the start of another cold sore. You’ve gone through this routine before. First it gets red, then that itchy tingly area puffs out into a big embarrassing cold sore.For some reason you can’t stop checking yourself out in the mirror. Why, you wonder, does it have to happen to me ? Cold sores are caused by the herpes simplex virus. It’s likely that some relative of yours infected you when you were […]

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Cold Sore or Canker Sore

Two of the most common disorders of the mouth, the cold sore and the canker sore, are often confused with one another. Knowing the difference between a cold sore and canker sore can affect your choice of treatment or home remedy. The difference between a cold sore and canker sore is where the sore appears. Both cold sores and canker sores cause sores in or around the mouth. However, cold sores are usually found outside the mouth and much less frequently inside it. Canker sores, on the […]

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Canker Sore vs Cold Sore – Inside or Outside?

Canker sore vs Cold sore, what is the difference? Well, to start a cold sore, also called a fever blister, is caused by the herpes simplex virus. Over half of the population has this virus in their system (this isn’t the same virus as the one that causes genital herpes). This virus can stay dormant the majority of the time. Often times it will flare up and lead to a cold sore in times where your immune system is compromised such as during times of extreme stress […]

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Single Dose Oral Antiviral Therapy Found to Accelerate Healing Time Of Cold Sore Outbreaks

You sense a tingling on your lip that, in a day or two, turns into a red blister. It’s a cold sore and it’s difficult to hide or get rid of easily. With approximately 100 million episodes of recurrent cold sores occurring annually, all too many Americans are familiar with this common condition. Cold sores, medically known as herpes labialis, are an infection of the mouth area with the herpes simplex virus. In fact, it is estimated that cold sores affect 66 percent of American adults–with most […]

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Fed Up With Recurring Cold Sores?

Cold sores are caused by the herpes simplex virus, a common and infectious virus which is usually contacted during childhood and hides in the nerve ganglia near where your cold sore usually appears. The virus can remain dormant for months or years without reappearing, until your body becomes unbalanced. Your natural body defenses keep the virus in check until your defenses drop because you may feel tired, upset or stressed; you resistance is lowered, you have a fever, overexposure to the sun or wind, or maybe you […]

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How to Get Rid of Cold Sores Fast

Herpes simplex 1 is the virus behind cold sores. Up to 80% of the population has this virus in their body, though it is dormant for much of the time. Anyone who has ever had a painful, and ugly, outbreak has one main question that they want answered: how to get rid of cold sores fast. Even though cold sores don’t last forever, it can seem that way sometimes. But there are some things you can do to make life a little easier. Of course the best […]

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